But with TERRIBLE ministers you change 54 times...
Norway has made changes in their government, AGAIN. Ministers are moved, ministers are fired and ministers are hired. Nothing new there. The last 7 years with Mr. Stoltenberg and his social-communist government, there is often changes. One can ask why, but the answer is simple, terrible politicians makes for quick changes.
The scandales has been coming in a steady row. I will only mention some, but it all shows why Norway needs a change when they hold elections in the fall of 2013.
Mr. Stoltenberg was so proud when he finally could hurry the process and force in a minority politician as minister, Manuella Ramin Osmundsen was hired, I guess the first immigrant he could find in his loyal party lists of people with some leader experience. When you don't let people grow and develop naturally, but "need" to have an immigrant just to prove you are including, it is no wonder how inexperienced politicians come in, and appoints their friends in high positions, but most scandalous is when you go out in media and deny, not once, not twice but multiple of times, that you are friends with the newly hired person, she didn't sit long.
Another minister, Audun Lysbakken, was thrown just before he became the leader of the communist party represented in the cabinet, for corruption. There is alot of it, in this government that we now have. His mistake, of giving money to his "own", without letting the application process of the funds go the normal rounds first, has also been made by other ministers in the same cabinet, but without the result of beeing fired. So many more should have gone.
Corruption has happened on many levels in this cabinet, there has been scandales over gifts recieved without reporting them or paying tax of them as it should have been. Here too history repeated itself, when first round was over, lies were discovered, and even in second round lies was used to try to enrich oneself, we should ask, how much more is beneath the surface there without our knowledge.
Even though many has been fired, many more scandals has been known, there are two other aspects that worry me even more. First, I want to mention that this cabinet has a new minister, the "super" minister Schjøtt-Pedersen, who doesn't have a direct responsibility and doesn't report to the parliament. He is "secret", untouchable, used by the prime minister himself as he wants, paid a high salary, and most likely does nothing. Of course he probably get bored, and help with party stuff and take some burden of the prime minister, my point is he does nothing for the Kingdom of Norway that pays him!
I am most furious though, about the "knowledge" minister, who btw has no knowledge, it was a fancy change of title from education minister. She promised kindergarden space for all children within a deadline of some years when she was elected. She went so far to say it was so important that we would have her "head", she would be gone, resigned, if not ackomplished. She have made the new record high of a big direct lie. Yes, we know politicians lie, but normally it is fibs, or that they have indirectly implied something and that that is wrong, but no, this one, she looked us in our eyes and lied.
And as all her colleagues, when confronted she lied again. She claims she has reached the goal. She kept changing the premises. First everyone wasn't "everyone", because that was impossible, so it supposedly was something like 98%, but when they saw the percentage they had, she changed it even more down, to that number.
We have had some horrible ministers, but we are lucky, we have oil, the country is going well, but ONLY for that reason. However now the prime minister has supposedly made his last change, to "top" his winning team, so they will take the election next year. Of course everyone knows he will loose anyways. But what is wrong with this "topping" of the team as he says, is as follows:
The man who is probably going to take over for him, it will be only as party leader of course since they will loose, has not been promoted but demoted. From the second highest position as foreign minister, where he did a good job, except for his acceptance of terrorists Hamas, his neglect of following rules and reporting his gifts and his giving of funds to his friends (as this is not enough bad things to be FIRED) he has represented good. But no one can handle the post as health minister, because the wrong policies is put in motion, so he is their "last" hope!
And even though the last push of unqualified immigrants just to prove a point failed, Mr. Stoltenberg tries again, to appoint not only the youngest minister of his cabinet, the youngest in history, a muslim culture minister. I must admit, Tadjik is one of the few socialist politicians I do respect, don't agree with, but has seen though young and inexperienced she has gotten big tasks, TOO BIG FOR HER QUALIFICATIONS, but she has been scraping by ok, doing the minimum but what is needed, just, and without scandales. But that doesn't qualify for beeing put into the cabinet which she is not qualified for at all, and as she herself said, her area of culture is limited to litterature. I am sure she will not make any scandales, it is too short to the elections for that to be possible (almost) and she is a careful politician, she is a specialist in this, anonumously climbing inside the party, carefully. But how can she give all our athletes the support and boost they need when she is young without experience and only read books? How can she be on the side of the performing arts and fight for their courses, when her experience is words on a piece of paper?
However there is one more reason I like her, she told straight out, that yes, she is for freedom of speech and does not oppose the publication of the latest muhammed video (therefore also of course the caricatures?!), I agree with her and like that a brave muslim speaks against the imam's. However, when Mr. Stoltenberg wants the first muslim in his cabinet to secure the immigrant votes, how does it help him to appoint a woman, we all saw the demonstrations, 3500 MEN demonstrated against Muhammed video, but no women, because the women should stay in the home, then a woman taking a mans job from the men, will not help him with the immigrants. And when she is FOR the provocations towards muslims, islam and muhammed, she is AGAINST her own base, so why would this help him with his immigrant base?
But how can anyone really understand the mind of a man who has only been breathing politics since he was a kid and don't know the country he is running. A man who has scandals after scandals around him and does not have ONE minister left in the position they got 7 years ago and has 54 changes behind him. A man who clearly doesn't have qualified people to chose to help him, how can we understand him? And most of all, how can we THRUST him?
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